The alert provides information that is useful and relevant, but not critical. It can also provide feedback that an action has been executed. In most cases, the user should be able to dismiss the message so include the modifier class fd-alert--dismissible and include the close button.
Vivamus sagittis diam in vehicula lobortis sapien arcu mattis erat vel aliquet sem urna et mattis erat vel aliquet in sem urna et sagittis diam in vehicula. Learn More
Add the modifier class fd-alert--information for Information alert.
Vivamus sagittis diam in vehicula lobortis sapien arcu mattis erat vel aliquet sem urna et. Learn More
Add the modifier class fd-alert--success for Success alert.
Vivamus sagittis diam in vehicula lobortis sapien arcu mattis erat vel aliquet sem urna et.
The alert warns of potential issues, but the user can still continue. The user will need to dismiss the message.
Add the modifier class fd-alert--warning for Warning alert.
Vivamus sagittis diam in vehicula lobortis sapien arcu mattis erat vel aliquet sem urna et.
This alert is triggered after the user entered data incorrectly or a system error has occurred. It should interrupt the user. A final action such as Submit cannot be carried out until the user has rectified the error. The user will need to dismiss the message.
Add the modifier class fd-alert--error for Error alert.
Vivamus sagittis diam in vehicula lobortis sapien arcu mattis erat vel aliquet sem urna et.
Right to left support
If right to left text direction is provided, the dismiss button moves to left side.
حقيقة وأساس تلك السعادة البشرية، فلا أحد يرفض أو يكره أو يتجنب الشعور بالسعادة، ولكن بفضل هؤلاء الأشخاص الذين لا يدركون بأن السعادة لا بد أن نستشعرها بصورة أكثر عقلانيأسي.